
Legal Notices


NewOxatis Corp. SAS Capital 6.155.000€
Head Office
Parc club du millénaire – bat. 24
1025 avenue Henri Becquerel
34000 Montpellier, France
Tél. : – Fax :
Email : inf@oxatis.com
RCS Marseille 831 239 744 – Siret No: 831 239 744 00012
VAT No: FR79831239744
Hosting: Kinsta
Publication Director: Benjamin Chalande




The personal information relating to NEW OXATIS users is collected, saved and stored in accordance with the provisions of the French Data Protection Act (l’informatique, aux fichiers et aux libertés) of 6 January 1978, as amended in August 2004. Members have the right of access and rectification laid down by law, to exercise these rights, simply write to New Oxatis at the following address: NEW OXATIS, 171 bis chemin de la madrague ville, 13002 Marseille, France.

For any additional information, refer to the Terms of Use..

Collection and use of personal information gathered from NEW OXATIS customers or newsletter subscribers

These information are necessary to ensure progress of the transaction and to improve the services offered by NEW OXATIS to their customers. It is for the same purpose of personalising the service that we use cookies to notify us of your visit to our site.

The information collected on the site can be shared within NEW OXATIS and its controlled subsidiaries.

You can receive different types of messages (newsletters, advice, surveys, general information about the company, etc.) from NEW OXATIS from which you can unsubscribe as specified in the Terms of Use.